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Who are the Quilt Pattern Writers?

Welcome to the Quilt Pattern Writers blog! It's always scary putting yourself out there into the world and hoping someone reads your blog post. So let's get the ball rolling and get acquainted! A big shout out and thank you for joining us!

Quilt Pattern Writers was started to assist pattern designers, plain and simple. Through our quilting journeys, we noticed how so many creative and prolific quilt pattern designers enjoyed the designing part of new quilts but not the creation, diagramming, or construction of pattern writing. That's the part we enjoy so it can be a win-win for all of us.

Quilt Pattern tech editing sample
Tech Editing Sample

Our blog aims to educate and give tips and techniques for writing your quilt pattern. Before starting this journey, we realized how much goes into actually developing a professional, concise, and understandable pattern. However, new and even experienced designers are looking for resources so we plan on using this blog to help facilitate that.

You can read about Lisa and Christina, our backgrounds, journeys, and our full line of Services at Our previous jobs have given us the tools we need to assist in working with your patterns.

Quilt  Pattern Writer owners Lisa and Christina at Atlanta QuiltCon 2023

Here at Quilt Pattern Writers, we offer services many quilt pattern ghostwriters and tech editors do not include such as free consultations, training on Adobe Illustrator & InDesign, barcodes for your printed patterns, and even coordinating your pattern testing process. We do A to Z from your ideas to the release of your pattern!

We would love to hear from you. What would you like to know in writing your pattern? Be sure to leave us a comment here, follow us on Instagram (@quiltpatternwriters), and sign up for our newsletter to get updates.

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