What's new.......
....with us?
We've been working hard all year with virtually no time off so with summer starting, we both took a few days away (even though we were still working while we were away). If you don't know, we like to say we are a 24-hour business. Lisa is up at the crack of dawn doing the early shift and Christina is up until the wee hours doing the late shift. So if you ever need us, we are probably around, lol. It's hard to shut that off even when we're out of town and we are never far away from our clients being able to work remotely.
Lisa went to a mixed media retreat in WA sponsored by a quilt store (The Fabric Patch) where they did Boro stitching (all laid out & ready to stitch), Zentangle, 3D nature art, and more. Then she and hubby took a weekend to go to the races.
Christina has been to GA doing some home renovations and then to LA and Santa Barbara with her partner to see the scenery and relax. She looks so small next to the largest fig tree of its kind in the nation, planted in 1877. It was a great break from the Houston heat!
It is important when you work from home to take time for work-life balance (and it is hard to do it!). We are all so busy and have so many ideas that we want to put our nose to the grindstone to get them all out. But we need to remember to take time away (even for a little while) to reenergize, rejuvenate, and live life. We are very blessed to have the opportunity and capability to do so. And we are grateful that our clients are flexible enough to allow that balance.
....with the business?
We are gearing up for new fabric releases with several of our clients and all the new patterns that go with them. That includes getting new designs and working with clients to make them quilt-friendly. Our ghostwriting schedule is booked out through the end of July already. We are so thankful and very excited to help turn those designs into patterns.
Tech editing is a constant for us and we always work in editing time each week. When clients let us know a little bit ahead of time, that helps but we try to work in last-minute jobs the best we can and still strive to meet our 72-hour turnaround time.
If you are interested in getting on the schedule for tech editing and ghostwriting, just filling out the form will take care of that. We will then work with you on your deadlines through a free video chat or by email.
.....with our inspirational posts
We want to thank our readers for sending us great project suggestions every month for our Inspiration blog and IG posts. Here is what we have coming up over the next few months:
Summer projects (6/19--next week already!)
Foundation Paper Piecing (7/17)
Applique (8/21)
We can use your help with these! If you have a pattern or know of a pattern representing these topics, drop us a note so we can include them. We love sharing inspiration for new projects and new techniques!
.....with new pattern releases
We like to "stalk" IG for new pattern releases (lol) to support designers and help get them noticed. Hopefully, it will even result in a sale or two for the designer! We are a true community of quilters and we should help lift each other to success.
New Pattern Releases this week
If you have a new release coming up, please let us know so we can celebrate with you! Until then, be sure to visit these fabulous designers and show them some love.
Thanks for visiting!
Happy Quilting!

"We help fellow quilt designers make their designs into a reality!"
Pattern ghostwriting, quilt pattern tech editing, digital illustrations, and more.
Are you ready for your new design to become a reality? We can help with any or all of it, whatever you need.
Head over to our Services page and let us know what we can do for you.